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When your business runs on feature rich “Pharma +”, Life becomes extremely simple. Pharma + has been especially designed to help you eliminate the complexities in different kinds of business operations like organizing your financial accounts, Stock, I & J Forms, GST Reports With E-Filing, Production Processes, Credit & debit notes and Expiry settlements with different parties/ companies.

pharmacy and pharmacist

pharmacy and pharmacist clipart

Single GST / Multi GST Billing, TDS Reporting, GST E-filing and many more.
With “Pharma +”, you need to ensure the accuracy while keying in your invoices, thereafter all documents, reports and statements will be generated automatically.
Pharma + Provides upto date information at your fingertips, keeping you better informed, helping you make quicker business decisions.

Silent Features:
 GST E – Filing
 Comprehensive Financial Accounting (With or without inventory).
 Complete Inventory Management (Single GST / Multi GST)
 GUI Billing Formats (User configurable billing formats)
 Export or email any report in any format e.g. PDF, Excel, MS Word,
 User defined payment methods, freedom t use Digital Payments like Paytm, VIM, Google Pay, Phone Pay etc.
 Powerful Discount Setting Feature that enables you to create a number of discounts applicable in sale/purchase
 Home Screen which shows your business’s outlook every time on your desktop.
 Powerful Sale / Purchase Analysis
 User can switch on / off software features as per trade requirements.
 Default Bill Sundry Settings to enable fast entry.
 Window Based / DOS Based Printing

Multiple Trades, One Software, Pharma +

Covers the following trades related features.

  • C&A  & Order Suppliers Of Pharmaceutical Trade.
  • Financial Accounting (With or without inventory)
  • Pesticides / Fertilizers / Seeds Dealers.
  • Multi GST Items Sale / Purchase
  • Single GST Items Sale / Purchase
  • Production
  • Retail Medicines
  • General Trading
  • TDS Reporting
  • GST Reports With E-Filing

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Get Most Reliable Pharmacy Management Software For Your Pharmaceutical Business.


As We defined from our past experience. Here We can Put little Insight through the definition of this Package Pharmacy Management. The pharmacy management system which is also known as the Pharma+ here, is a Prebuild Module run in your computer system that stores data and enables the functionality that organizes and maintains complete processes of pharma professionals like prescriptions, medication, customers, reports, etc


1. Prescription Management

Prescriptions are hard to read; they are unreadable by the patients & therefore can cause confusion. The illegibility of prescriptions is also a source of error in giving the correct medicine. With the help of software, the pharmacist will not have to read the prescriptions again & again. The pharmacist can store the record of the prescription & repeat the medicine as & when required. Data stored in the system reduces the chances of errors.

2. SMS & Alerts

With the help of a pharmacy management system, the pharmacists can get timely notification & alerts from the software, if any of the patients will need the medicine soon, or the medicine is going to expire. He can schedule SMS to be sent to patients intimating them in advance to buy the next dosage of medicine. This is one of the top pharmacy software features & helps in improving customer relationship. The customer can also just reply to the message whether to refill the medicine & the pharmacist can simply deliver the medicine to the patients.

3. Reporting

Reporting is a very important part of any business. Proper reporting & data analysis leads to better-informed decision making & huge profits. Pharmacists interact with many sales executives, patients, doctors, medical representatives in the day-to-day. But manually remembering all the details is not possible. Therefore here the pharmacy software comes into existence, all the data regarding each of these can easily be stored in the system which can be later analysed for growth strategies. These reports provide valuable insights like which part of the business is performing well & which needs improvement.

4. Doctor/MR Commission Management

One of the crucial pharmacy software features in commission management. In the pharmacy, it is very important to keep a check on which doctor’s prescription or which medical representative has sold which medicine. Every prescription & medicine sold out at the pharmacy counts for a commission which can be easily calculated using the software.

This means, “no more frauds no more mistakes”.

5. Expiry Management

Another mandatory feature for a pharmacy management system is expiry management. In general, pharmacies suffer huge losses due to expired products. In any pharmacy, medicines are purchased in a bulk with different MRP & expiry dates, & therefore the pharmacists find it difficult to keep a check on every medicine. Unknowingly many medicines get expired lying on the shelves, which at last can only be thrown into the garbage. In case a software with an expiry management system is implemented then it will prompt for the near expiry medicines which the pharmacist can either sell to the customer or return back to the supplier. This saves on huge losses & also the products are not wasted.

6. Re-Order Management

Setting re-order points, knowing when you need to refill the stock, which product is better performing in the inventory and so on… Crucial insights like this help every pharmacist to stay organized and informed. The pharmacists can set the minimum & maximum stock level point, the software will indicate whenever the stock reaches the minimum level & he/she can place a re-order. The system also suggests the best buy option with nearest suppliers’ schemes & offer to save more.

7. Digital Collections

In the new normal, everybody is following social distancing. Customers want to pay online and in pharmacy, the risk of getting affected with various is the most. Therefore for sake of health & safety, the pharmacies must have a digital collection option where the patient can pay without touching anything. the User may chose the payment method like Paytm, Vim, PhonePay, GooglePay etc.. All UPI and international payment are accepted through touchless mode.

Final Summary:

The main reason behind choosing pharmacy software is that you can manage multiple chains of pharmacies/ multiple stores with one software. Physically it is very difficult to manage different stores & visiting every day, but you can definitely simplify the work with pharmacy software.

The price of the pharmacy software depends on the features it is providing. There are free software also available in the markets. Never Use cracked or pirated applications, it may hamper your business. You may also use this Application by donating some amount, to our community developers working very hard hours and over day & night for the perfect presentations of the featured product. Click Here to Donate and get the package under GPL module. The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or simply GPL) is a series of widely used free software licenses that guarantee end users the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Notably feel free to Call our guided team member for necessary training & Modifications to use this Application Successfully.  For Demo, Installation, Training & Guide for the ride just dial 9861028010.